CNS Tests New Online Course on Export Controls and WMD

Catherine Dill
February 24, 2014


CNS has launched the initial Beta-version of its first online course, “Global Trade and Weapons of Mass Destruction.” The online course on export controls, taught by CNS Senior Associate Ms. Stephanie Lieggi and the Director of the Export Control Nonproliferation Program at CNS, Mr. Robert Shaw, is a six week set of lectures and video case studies supported by online quizzes, weekly exercises, and interactive discussion rooms. The subject matter will enable “students” to better understand the process by which sensitive nuclear materials are transferred among states and the various means that states and companies can use to ensure that dual-use technologies and materials are not used in the production of weapons of mass destruction.

After beta testing is complete, CNS will modify the course and make it available free of charge to a wider public audience in late spring. The course is one of the many ways CNS is working to share its expertise with a wider audience, and is likely to become a wider part of CNS’ mission train and educate the next generation of nonproliferation practitioners.

Subjects covered in the course include:

  • WMD Definitions
  • International Nonproliferation Regimes
  • Role of Dual-Use Materials
  • International Control Regimes and Supplier Groups
  • Case Studies of Illicit Procurement Networks
  • Domestic Controls of Sensitive Materials
  • UN Security Council Resolution 1540
  • Financial Sanctions
  • Export Control Reform
  • Private Sector Internal Compliance Programs and Industry Awareness
  • Impact of Emerging Technologies on Existing Export Control Regimes

Anyone interested in taking the class once it is formally launched should sign up for the CNS email newsletter or contact us by e-mail.

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