Nonproliferation Review • 24.3/4

Volume 24 • Number 3/4


Thomas M. Countryman, Tiara Shaya, Hui Zhang, Raymond Wang, and Alan J. Kuperman

SPECIAL SECTION: The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

Negotiating the Iran talks in Tehran: The Iranian drivers that shaped the JCPOA
Ariane Tabatabai

No EU, no Iran deal: The EU between multilateralism and the transatlantic link
Tarja Cronberg

The JCPOA and safeguards: model or outlier?
Paul Kerr


Eyes on the prize: India’s pursuit of membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group
Mark Hibbs

Why do entities get involved in proliferation? Exploring the criminology of illicit WMD-related trade
Daniel Salisbury

Red lines in nuclear nonproliferation
Dan Altman and Nicholas L. Miller

Nuclear ambiguity, no-first-use, and crisis stability in asymmetric crises
Alexander Lanoszka and Thomas Scherer


Public support, political polarization, and the nuclear-test ban: Evidence from a new US national survey
Stephen Herzog and Jonathon Baron


Able Archer 83: The Secret History of the NATO Exercise That Almost Triggered Nuclear War, edited by Nate Jones
Reviewed by Thomas Graham, Jr.

Nuclear Weapons and Coercive Diplomacy, by Todd S. Sechser and Matthew Fuhrmann
The Editors

Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran, and the Triumph of Diplomacy, by Trita Parsi
Reviewed by Henry Rome

Statements of fact and opinion expressed in The Nonproliferation Review are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply the endorsement of the editors, the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, or the Middlebury Institute of International Studies.

The Nonproliferation Review ISSN 1073-6700
Copyright © 2018 by Middlebury Institute of International Studies